Clinical Supervision
CRPO defines clinical supervision as “a contractual relationship in which a clinical supervisor engages with a supervisee to discuss the direction of therapy and the therapeutic relationship; promote the professional growth of the supervisee; enhance the supervisee’s safe and effective use of self in the therapeutic relationship; and safeguard the well-being of the client”. CRPO considers clinical supervision key to the development of a competent professional.
We offer clinical supervision to practicum students, as well as Qualifying practitioners. Our practice has achieved independent status. Our clinical supervisor has completed 40 hours of clinical supervision training and meets CRPO Clinical Supervisor standards.
Our style of supervision is structured from an attachment emotionally focused stance. We have experience in CBT, EFT, SFT and IPT.
If your intent is to register with another college, please make sure your specific College meets supervisory requirements provided by an RP before starting supervision.
In 2024, we are offering online supervision for licensed practitioners, both individual and in structured groups.
We provide Clinical Supervision online through Owl Video platform and/or Zoom which can be booked after a consultation & signing a Clinical Supervision Agreement. Please contact us at
Topics covered in Clinical supervision include:
Case consultation
Models of therapy and adapting to client’s individual needs
Resolving conflict
Ethical issues
Documentation requirements for supervision hours.
If you require external supervision and are a practicum student, please contact us at
Group clinical supervision is offered monthly and online and consists of a small group of 3-4 supervisees meeting with the clinical supervisor for a 90 min supervision session virtually.
Ask about a complimentary 20-minute phone consultation to discuss your supervision needs by contacting us at