Covid - 19
During this period of Covid-19 public health measures, we are thankful to be considered essential services during this time of stay at home and restricted movement. A priority for us is our client’s health and safety. Our regulatory college – CRPO (College of Registered Psychotherapists) recommends providing therapy services via telehealth, with limited in-person sessions. This has allowed our therapists to determine how they feel they are best able to serve the needs of their clients. We will continue to adapt to the needs of the community while adhering to the rules of public health measures, advice and restrictions.
Our practice is headquartered in Bolton, Ontario with a satellite location in Oakville. If engaging in in-person therapy, therapists and clients must wear masks. As therapists who look to non-verbal communication to provide optimum care, we have made the decision to continue caring for our clients via tele-heath at this time. We will continue to evaluate the safety of returning to in-person care and provide updates.
In place of in-person sessions, our therapists have been focused on successfully supporting our clients via tele-health.